
Light steam tube oven

Vulkan combines the top baking quality of traditional tube deck ovens with the ability to quickly change its temperature, ensuring at the same time uniform baking and flexibility of use.

The solution for every production

Vulkan is designed to cover the most diverse productions, from small sizes to big sizes, and it is especially indicated or for products that require good heating from the bottom. This makes it ideal to bake bread, pizza, focaccia and pastry products.

The annular tube baking system

La fiamma investe la fornace in materiale refrattario e diffonde i fumi nel successivo canale in acciaio, in modo da scaldare il vapore contenuto nei tubi soprastanti.
The overheated steam starts circulating inside the tubes, thus distributing the heat in all the oven chambers.

The annular tube baking system


The overheated steam starts circulating inside the tubes, thus distributing the heat in all the oven chambers.

The flame in the refractory channel heats the stainless-steel tubes above, vaporising the water inside them.

Energy savings

Compared to the traditional steam tube ovens, Vulkan is made with concrete parts of smaller size: this allows it to quickly reach the desired temperature, with great time and energy savings.

Optional upper electric chamber

To bake small batches of products, taking the whole oven to the required temperature may not be the best solution. The optional upper electric chamber with independent control panel allows to have the maximum flexibility of use and further reduce energy consumption when not needed.

Find the model that best suits your needs

Select the baking surface range that you need and choose among our models the one with the dimensions that fit your spaces.

Side view
3 Chambers
4 Chambers
5 Chambers

ModelBaking surface [m2]ChambersChamber internal width L1 [mm]Chamber internal depth P1 [mm]Chamber internal heigth H1 [mm]Doors per deckWidth L [mm]Depth P [mm]Height H [mm]Thermal power [kW]Thermal Power [kcal]
VUC 4.08/12 4,148201.25015011.3952.5902.2353328.500
VUC 4.08/134,548201.37015011.3952.7102.2353732.000
VUC 5.08/125,158201.25015011.3952.5902.3704135.400
VUC 4.08/165,348201.60015011.3952.9402.2354135.600
VUC 5.08/135,658201.37015011.3952.7102.3704538.800
VUC 4.08/185,948201.80015011.3953.1302.2354640.000

ModelBaking surface [m2]ChambersChamber internal width L1 [mm]Chamber internal depth P1 [mm]Chamber internal heigth H1 [mm]Doors per deckWidth L [mm]Depth P [mm]Height H [mm]Thermal power [kW]Thermal Power [kcal]
VUC 4.12/126,241.2401.25015021.8152.5902.2353530.300
VUC 4.08/206,548202.00015011.3953.3402.2355446.500
VUC 5.08/166,658201.60015011.3952.9402.3705446.800
VUC 4.12/136,841.2401.37015021.8152.7102.2353933.400
VUC 3.18/126,931.8601.25015032.4352.5902.2353833.000
VUC 4.08/227,348202.21015011.3953.5502.2356052.200
VUC 5.08/187,458201.80015011.3953.1302.3706152.800
VUC 3.18/137,631.8601.37015032.4352.7102.2354136.000
VUC 5.12/127,751.2401.25015021.8152.5902.3704640.500

ModelBaking surface [m2]ChambersChamber internal width L1 [mm]Chamber internal depth P1 [mm]Chamber internal heigth H1 [mm]Doors per deckWidth L [mm]Depth P [mm]Height H [mm]Thermal power [kW]Thermal Power [kcal]
VUC 4.08/248,048202.42015011.3953.7602.2356656.500
VUC 4.12/168,041.2401.60015021.8152.9402.2354235.700
VUC 5.08/208,258202.00015011.3953.3402.3706657.000
VUC 5.12/138,551.2401.37015021.8152.7102.3704841.600
VUC 4.12/188,941.2401.80015021.8153.1302.2354740.200
VUC 3.18/169,031.8601.60015032.4352.9402.2355042.700
VUC 5.08/229,158202.21015011.3953.5502.3707363.200
VUC 4.18/129,341.8601.25015032.4352.5902.2355245.400

ModelBaking surface [m2]ChambersChamber internal width L1 [mm]Chamber internal depth P1 [mm]Chamber internal heigth H1 [mm]Doors per deckWidth L [mm]Depth P [mm]Height H [mm]Thermal power [kW]Thermal Power [kcal]
VUC 3.18/1810,031.8601.80015032.4353.1302.2355548.000
VUC 4.12/2010,041.2402.00015021.8153.3402.2355648.200
VUC 5.08/2410,058202.42015011.3953.7602.3708068.800
VUC 5.12/1610,051.2401.60015021.8152.9402.3705749.300
VUC 4.18/1310,241.8601.37015032.4352.7102.2355850.100
VUC 4.12/2211,041.2402.21015021.8153.5502.2356153.000
VUC 5.12/1811,051.2401.80015021.8153.1302.3706354.800
VUC 3.18/2011,231.8602.00015032.4353.3402.2356153.000

ModelBaking surface [m2]ChambersChamber internal width L1 [mm]Chamber internal depth P1 [mm]Chamber internal heigth H1 [mm]Doors per deckWidth L [mm]Depth P [mm]Height H [mm]Thermal power [kW]Thermal Power [kcal]
VUC 5.18/1211,651.8601.25015032.4352.5902.3707161.000
VUC 4.12/2412,041.2402.42015021.8153.7602.2356758.000
VUC 4.18/1612,041.8601.60015032.4352.9402.2356353.800
VUC 3.18/2212,331.8602.21015032.4353.5502.2357060.000
VUC 5.12/2012,451.2402.00015021.8153.3402.3707363.300
VUC 5.18/1312,751.8601.37015032.4352.7102.3707262.200
VUC 4.18/1813,341.8601.80015032.4353.1302.2357060.100
VUC 3.18/2413,531.8602.42015032.4353.7602.2357766.000
VUC 5.12/2213,751.2402.21015021.8153.5502.3708169.900

ModelBaking surface [m2]ChambersChamber internal width L1 [mm]Chamber internal depth P1 [mm]Chamber internal heigth H1 [mm]Doors per deckWidth L [mm]Depth P [mm]Height H [mm]Thermal power [kW]Thermal Power [kcal]
VUC 3.18/2614,631.8602.63015032.4353.9702.2358371.600
VUC 4.18/2014,941.8602.00015032.4353.3402.2358371.800
VUC 5.12/2415,051.2402.42015021.8153.7602.3708976.500
VUC 5.18/1615,051.8601.60015032.4352.9402.3708674.100
VUC 4.18/2216,541.8602.21015032.4353.5502.2359279.500
VUC 5.18/1816,651.8601.80015032.4353.1302.3709682.700
VUC 4.18/2418,041.8602.42015032.4353.7602.23510186.700
VUC 5.18/2018,651.8602.00015032.4353.3402.37011094.900
VUC 4.18/2619,541.8602.63015032.4353.9702.23511094.400
VUC 5.18/2220,551.8602.21015032.4353.5502.37011599.300
VUC 5.18/2422,551.8602.42015032.4353.7602.370127109.000
VUC 5.18/2624,551.8602.63015032.4353.9702.370138118.500

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